Cyber Humanum Est

Cyber Humanum Est, the benchmark university exercise in cyber warfare dedicated to Université de Lorraine students, will be held for the 4th time from 5 to 9 February 2024. Organised by the Defense Base of Nancy and Lorraine INP, under the umbrella of the Cyberdefense Command (COMCYBER) of the French Ministry of Armed Forces and the University of Lorraine, this event offers total immersion in the world of cyber security. It will bring together more than 100 participants coming from engineering schools (Mines Nancy, Telecom Nancy, Polytech Nancy), the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST, Nancy), the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (SHS, Nancy), and the University Institute of Technology (IUT Nancy-Brabois). Participants will be confronted with cybersecurity challenges, in which they will have to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems or defend themselves in a scenario combining offensive, defensive and influence-based computer warfare. The week will conclude with a recruitment forum reserved exclusively for partners and the Cyber Humanum Est 2024 awards ceremony, highlighting the excellence of the participants. If you share our passion for cybersecurity and would like to become a partner of this exceptional event, please contact the partnership unit at

The Event

Based on an original scenario, the exercise requires several hundred days of preparation and the involvement of more than 130 persons (organizers and participants). It relies on three fictive countries with embassies, tactical command posts, operators of vital importance, newspaper companies, and social networks.


French Ministry of Armed Forces (Ministère des Armées):
Blandan Barrack (Caserne Blandan),
Defense Base of Nancy

Lorraine INP:
Polytech Nancy, TELECOM Nancy, Mines Nancy

Metropolis of Nancy, City of Nancy:
Government Palace (Palais du Gouvernement), Carriere Plaza (Place Carrière)

Scenario and Objectives

Due to the global warming, in the archipelago of Maladives, the island of Les Riverchelles has known a whole collapse of its tourism-based economy. The recent discovery of mineral resources could preserve the island from the bankruptcy. Two neighboring countries, Cryptanga and Anumeric, are in competition to acquire the exploitation license.

The conflict is unavoidable!


Military Reservists

School of Mines Nancy 3A - "Specialized Master on Cyber"

TELECOM Nancy 3A - Specialization on Cyber-Security "Internet Systems and Security"

Polytech Nancy 3A - "Computer Science, Automatic Control, Robotics and Networking"

Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of Nancy - "Master 2 SIRAV"

IUT Nancy Brabois - Professional License "Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense"

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (UFR SHS) of Nancy

Past events

CTF 2024

CTF 2023

CTF 2022

Partners 2024

They talk about us

Project & Organisation

  • Jean-Philippe Auzelle (+33(0)6 46 62 11 63 -
  • Stéphane Gégout (+33(0)6 32 07 16 04 -

Exercise & Pedagogy

  • Marion Gilson (+33(0)6 34 66 02 31 -
  • Pierre Veutin (+33(0)6 82 12 10 97 -

Parteners & Communication


  • Jean-Philippe Auzelle (+33(0)6 46 62 11 63 -
  • Nicolas Krommenacker (+33(0)6 77 50 15 98 -

Ower social networks
